How to get backlinks from Wikipedia

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How to get authority SEO backlinks using tools for pros

Every webmaster using SEO techniques is wanting to learn how to rank on Google or any other search engine.  Webmasters are looking for tools that offer the magic SEO solution of getting links from authority websites.

Google latest search algorithms seems to be set to favour websites that have quality links, original content, good keyword selection, engaging website interfaces, YouTube videos, good social media presence and most importantly links from sites.  This is the current SEO links strategy that seems to be getting websites on the first page.  Most webmaster tools are being developed to offer these features.


How to get authority links from wikipedia


How do you get backlinks from authority sites like Wikipedia?

The problem that faces the average webmaster using SEO link tools is: “How on hell are you going to get access to such a website and have the website give you a SEO backlink?”

Authority sites do not give links to new sites—tools or no tools.  In fact such sites seldom search for or even look at other peoples sites unless you are another authority site or you are Wikipedia.  So the chances that of one of these editors will search for or look at your website and establish backlinks are once again zero—this also applies to other webmaster using tools and all of the social sites elusive link potential.  Additionally, even if you do manage to get a link, the chances are that it will be a no follow link.  A quick search will tell you that links from a no follow website has virtually no value to your site SEO.


How to get authority links from wikipedia

The impossible task of getting a backlink from a highly ranked site

Getting the editor of an authority site to even read your SEO E-mail proposal is a major issue.  Getting access to their E-mail is impossible.  Most of them do not provide an e-mail address and even if they do they will not answer you.  So your chances of improving your SEO getting  a link with quality anchor text that match your keywords are a big fat zero.  Your only chance is to buy SEO links tools that will help you get these links. 

Unless you are a movie star, a porn star or a famous person it is even difficult to get Facebook likes and Google + likes.  People are not that easily excited.  They are being bombarded with spam mail tools, and junk websites all asking for a link, and they are desensitized to clicking on the like button.

For commercial website owners there are even less tools available.  You can hardly expect a competitor to want to give you a link so to help your SEO endeavours.  Isn’t it?  Would you give your competitor SEO advantages by establishing alink to their main money website?

So Google is forcing hundreds of thousands of webmasters to look for black hat SEO tools to get these covered authority backlinks.

There are now hundreds of thousands of plugin, webmaster tools, links developers, sellers of links and other strange characters selling “quality links” from PR 9 PR 8 gov websites, edu website etc.

How to get authority links from wikipedia

It is now a sad fact that Google and other search engines have created a huge market for black hat tools links profiteers.  Some of these are bad and damaging links.  Others are producing results and are forcing the Search Engines to rank websites on the first page using bad links and spammy PBL sites.

Of course sooner or later Google changes and the black hat SEO techniques no longer work and sites are punished and deregistered.  Until of course a new black hat technique is created.

So whenever we find white hat links tools or product that actually benefits the internet and helps produce quality content we jump at it—especially if it means getting links using white hat strategies.

We only wish to promote white hat SEO links systems that help our readers get a good search engine placement.

The solution of how to get quality links from Wikipedia

How to get authority links from wikipedia

This Wikipedia software is exactly one of these wonderful white hat system.  It created quality links using white hat methods.

With this software you can identify legitimate and ethical ways to get backlinks from Wikipedia, the most respected and authority site there will ever be.

I strongly suggest you buy this inexpensive links program.  It comes from a very clever and skilled developer who prides on ethics and quality of service.

If nothing else this software will also help you get tons of good SEO ideas for your articles and also how to get authority backlinks.

You can learn more about about authority sites at Wikipedia
